

  • Gerald J. Pruckner, Nicole Schneeweis, Thomas Schober, Martina Zweimüller: “Birth Order, Parental Health Investment and Health in Childhood”, Journal of Health Economics, 2021. Link
  • Martin Halla, Harald Mayr, Gerald J. Pruckner, Pilar García-Gómez: “Cutting fertility? Effects of cesarean deliveries on subsequent fertility and maternal labor supply”, Journal of Health Economics, 2020. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Gerald J. Pruckner: “Retirement and healthcare utilization”, Journal of Public Economics, 2020. Link
  • Mario Lackner, Rudi Strack, Uwe Sunde, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Are competitors forward-looking? Evidence from the Field”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2020. Link
  • Bernhard Schmidpeter, Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Grandmothers’ labour supply”, Journal of Human Resources, 2020. Link
  • Thomas Schober: “Effects of a measles outbreak on vaccination uptake”, Economics and Human Biology, 2020. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Thomas Schober: “Exploring Variations in Healthcare Expenditures – What is the Role of Practice Styles?”, Health Economics, 2020. Link
  • Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober, Katrin Zocher: “The company you keep: health behavior among work peers”, The European Journal of Health Economics, 2020. Link
  • Franz Hackl, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Customer reactions to a webshop’s service quality”, Empirica, 2019. Link
  • Nicole Halmdienst, Michael Radhuber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer:“Attitudes of Elderly Austrians towards New Technologies ‐ Communication and Entertainment versus Health and Support Use”, European Journal of Ageing, 2019. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Thomas Horvath, Mario Schnalzenberger, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer:”Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retireement.”, Journal of Public Economics, 2018. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer: “Physicians, sick leave certificates and patients’ subsequent employment outcomes”, Health Economics, 2018. Link
  • Gerald Pruckner, Thomas Schober, Katrin Zocher: “Pädiatrisches Pilotprojekt in Kirchdorf – Verschränkung intramuraler und extramuraler Versorgung”, Research Report, 2018.
  • José-Ignacio Antón, Zuleika Ferre, Patricia Triunfo: “The impact of the legalisation of abortion on birth outcomes in Uruguay”, Health Economics, 2018. Link
  • Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “Hospitals and the generic versus brand-name prescription decision in the outpatient sector”, Health Economics, 2018. Link
  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Stefan Pittner, Andrea Weber und
    Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Analysing Plant Closure Effects Using Time-Varying Mixture-of-Experts Markov Chain Clustering”,  Annals of Applied Statistics, 2018. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Thomas G. Horvath, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “The Effects of Income on Mortality – New Evidence for the Absence of a Causal Link”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Serie A, 2017. Link
  • Helmut Hofer, Gerlinde Titelbach, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Alexander Ahammer: “Wage Discrimination Against Immigrants in Austria?”, Labour, 2017. Link
  • Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Long-term effects of unemployment: What can we learn from plant-closure studies?”,  Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies (VoxEU eBOOK, CEPR, p. 67-78), 2016. Link
  • Andrea Ichino, Guido Schwerdt, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Josef Zweimüller: “Too Old to Work, Too Young to Retire?”; Journal of  the Economics of  Ageing, forthcoming 2016. Link
  • Martin Halla, Gerald Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “Cost savings of developmental screenings: evidence from a nationwide program”; Journal of Health Economics, September 2016. Link
  • Alice Sanwald and Thomas Schober: “Follow your Heart: Survival chances and costs after Heart Attacks – An instrumental Variable Approach”; Health Services Research, forthcoming 2016. Link
  • Mario Schnalzenberger: “Causal effect of income on health: Investigating two closely related policy reforms in Austria”; Journal of the Economics of Ageing, forthcoming 2016 Link
  • Margherita Fort, Nicole Schneeweis and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Is Aducation Always Reducing Fertility? Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Reforms”; Economic Journal, 2016 Link
  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Christoph Pamminger, Andrea Weber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Mother’s Long-run Career Patterns after First Birth”; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Serie A, 2016 (Vol. 179, pp. 707-725) Link
  • Franz Hackl , Michael Hummer , Gerald J. Pruckner:  “Old Boys’ Network in General Practitioners’ Referral Behavior?” Journal of Health Economics, 2015 (Vol. 43, pp. 56-73)  Link
  • Franz Hackl, Martin Halla, Michael Hummer and Gerald J. Pruckner:  “The Effectiveness of Health Screening”; Health Economics, 2015 (Vol. 24, pp. 913-935)Link
  • Giorgio Brunello, Margherita Fort, Nicole Schneeweis and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer:  “The Causal Effect of Education on Heatlh: What is the Role of Health Behaviours”; Health Economics, 2015 (Vol. 25, pp. 314-336) Link

Working Papers

  • Mario Lackner, Uwe Sunde, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Covid-19 and the Forces Behind Social Unrest”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2104. Link.
  • Nicole Halmdienst, Gerald J. Pruckner, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Complexities of Health and Acceptance of Electronic Health Records for the Austrian Elderly Population”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2103. Link.
  • Martin Halla, Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “Paying Adolescents for Health Screenings Works”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2102. Link.
  • Friedrich Breyer, Normann Lorenz, Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “Looking into the Black Box of “Medical Progress”: Rising Health Expenditures by Illness Type and Age”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2101. Link.
  • Alexander Ahammer, Dominik Grübl, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “The health externalities of downsizing”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2005. Link.
  • José-Ignacio Antón, Enrique Fernández-Macías, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Does robotization aect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2004. Link.
  • Alexander Ahammer, Martin Halla, Mario Lackner: “Mass Gatherings Contributed to Early COVID-19 Spread: Evidence from US Sports”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2003. Link.
  • Alexander Ahammer, Martin Halla: “The Intergenerational Transmission of Opioid Dependence: Evidence from Administrative Data”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2002. Link.
  • Dominik Grübl, Mario Lackner, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Intergenerational Transmission of Unemployment – Causal
    Evidence from Austria”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 2001. Link.
  • Bernhard Schmidpeter, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Automation, Offshoring and the Role of Public Policies”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1902. Link.
  • Gerald J. Pruckner, Nicole Schneeweis, Thomas Schober, Martina Zweimüller: “Birth Order, Parental Health Investment and Health in Childhood.”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1901. Link.
  • Thomas Schober, Katrin Zocher: “Health care utilization of refugees”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1808. Link
  • Thomas Schober: “Effect of measles outbreak on vaccination uptake”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1807. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Martin Halla, Nicole Schneeweis: “The Effect of Prenatal Maternity Leave on Short and Long-term Child Outcomes”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1806. Link
  • Bernhard Schmidpeter, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “How do Automation and Offshorability Influence Unemployment Duration and Subsequent Job Quality?”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1805. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Thomas Schober: “Exploring Variations in Healthcare Expenditures – What is the Role of Practice Styles?”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1804. Link
  • Farzana Munir, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Decomposing International Gender Test Score Differences”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1803. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Gerald J. Pruckner: “Retirement and healthcare utilization”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1802. Link
  • Nicole Halmdienst, Michael Radhuber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Attitudes of Elderly Austrians towards New Technologies ‐ Communication and Entertainment versus Health and Support Use”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1801. Link
  • Bernhard Schmidpeter: “Involuntary Unemployment and the Labor Market Returns to Interim Jobs”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1708. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Mario Lackner, Jasmin Voigt: “Does Confidence Enhance Performance? Causal Evidence from Professional Biathlon”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1707. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Bernhard Schmidpeter and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Grandmothers’ Labor Supply”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1706. Link
  • Natalia Danzer, Martin Halla, Nicole Schneeweis, Martina Zweimüller: “Parental Leave, (In)formal Childcare and Long-term Child Outcomes”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1704. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Thomas Schober: “Exploring Variations in Healthcare Expenditures – What is the Role of Practice Styles?”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1703. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, Ivan Zilic: “Do Financial Incentives Alter Physician Prescription Behavior?”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1702. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Jörg Paetzold: “The Intergenerational Causal Effect of Tax Evasion: Evidence from the Commuter Tax Allowance in Austria”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1701. Link
  • José-Ignacio Antón, René Böheim, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “The effects of international migration on native workers’ unionization in Austria”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1607.Link
  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Stefan Pittner, Andrea Weber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Analysing Plant Closure Effects Using Time-Varying Mixture-of-Experts Markov Chain Clustering”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1606.Link
  • Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “Hospitals and the generic versus brand-name prescription decision in the outpatient sector”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1605.Link
  • Alexander Ahammer: “How Physicians Affect Patients Employment Outcomes Through Deciding on Sick Leave Durations”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1604.Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “How Does Parental Divorce Affect Children’s Long-term Outcomes?”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1603. Link
  • Martin Halla, Harald Mayr, Gerald J. Pruckner, Pilar Garci­a-Gomez: “Cutting Fertility? The Effect of Cesarean Deliveries on Subsequent Fertility and maternal Labor Supply”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1602. Link
  • Christina Neuwirth: “Predicting educational attainment of the Austrian population using data from the Austrian Social Security Institutions”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1601. Link
  • Mario Lackner, Rudi Stracke, Uwe Sunde, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Are Competitors Forward Looking in Strategic
    Interactions? Evidence from the Field”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1509.Link
  • Ivan Zilic: “Effects of Forced Displacement on Health”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1508.Link
  • Bernhard Schmidpeter: “The Fatal Consequences of Grief”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1507. Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel, Thomas Horvath, Mario Schnalzenberger and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retirement”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1506. Link
  • Alexander Ahammer, G. Thomas Horvath and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “The Effect of Income on Mortality – New Evidence for the Absence of a Causal Link”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1505. Link
  • Martin Halla, Susanne Pech and Martina Zweimüller: “The Effect of Statutory Sick Pay Regulations on Workers’ Labor Supply and Subsequent Health”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1504. Link
  • Alice Sanwald and Thomas Schober:  “Follow your Heart: Survival chances and costs after Heart Attacks – An instrumental Variable Approach”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and  Labor Market, Working Paper 1503. Link
  • Martin Halla, Gerald Pruckner, Thomas Schober: “The Cost-Effectiveness of Developmental Screenings: Evidence from a Nationwide Programme”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and  Labor Market, Working Paper 1502. Link
  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Martin Halla, Alexandra Posekany, Gerald J. Pruckner and Thomas Schober: “The Quantity and Quality of Children: A Semi-Parametric Bayesian IV Approach”; CD-Lab Aging, Health and Labor Market, Working Paper 1501. Link

Previous Research

  • Emilia Del Bono, Andrea Weber and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Fertility and economic instability: the role of unemployment and job displacement”; Journal of Population Economics, September 2014 Link
  • Nicole Schneeweis, Vegard Skirbekk and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer:  “Does schooling improve cognitive functioning at older ages?”; Demography, 2014 Link
  • Wolfgang Frimmel and Gerald J. Pruckner: “Birth weight and family status revisited: Evidence from Austrian register data”; Health Economics, vol 23(4)2014, pp 426445
  • Nicole Halmdienst and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer:  “Long-run effects of childhood shocks on health in late Adulthood”; CESifo Economic Studies, 2014 Link
  • Michael Hummer, Thomas Lehner and Gerald J. Pruckner: “Health Expenditures of Early Birds from Birth to Late Adolescence”; European Journal of Health Economics, vol 15, pp. 229-242
  • Andrea Leiter and Gerald J. Pruckner: “Timing Effects in Health Valuations?”; Health Economics, vol 23(6)2014, pp 743-750 Link
  • Mario Schnalzenberger, Nicole Schneeweis, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer and Martina Zweimüller: “Job Quality and Employment of Older People in Europe”; Labour, vol 28(2)2014, pp 141-162 Link
  • Nikolaus Graf, Helmut Hofer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Labor supply effects of a subsidized old-age part-time scheme in Austria”; Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung, vol 44(3)2011, pp 217-229 Link
  • Mario Schnalzenberger and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer: “Layoff Tax and employment of the elderly”; Labour Economics, vol16, 2009, pp 618-624 Link