All posts by cdecon

EuHEA Conference 2016

The EuHEA (Eurpean Health Economics Association) Conference 2016 takes place from 13.-16. July 2016 in Hamburg (GER). A. Ahammer, W. Frimmel, G.J. Pruckner, T. Schober, K. Zocher are going to present there latest research results.

For more details about our work please check out: [More]
For more details about the conference please check out: [More]

Linzer Forum 2015

Oktober the 15th

Dr. Gerald Pruckner talks about “Health economic services research Myths and Facts” at the AKh in Linz. This presentation is part of the program “Health services research in an interdisciplinary context“  by the Linzer Forum 2015. 


July 12-15, 2015

Congress of the International Health Economics Association Congress (iHEA) in Milan, Italy:
Thomas Schober presents his work on “Hospitals and the generic versus brand-name prescription decision in the outpatient sector“.
Wolfgang Frimmel presents his work on “Intermarriage and children’s health at birth“.


June 2, 2015
Official opening of the Christian Doppler (CD) Laboratory “Aging, Health and Labor Market” at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz by Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner (Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy)