Related Projects


“The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State” is a National Research Network (NRN) funded by the Austrian Science Funds and is occupied with interrelations between welfare state institutions, health and the labor market in Austria. (2008-2015)
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SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe) is a long-term panel-survey of Europeans aged 50+. More than 85000 persons are surveyed every other year. The research project is part of the EU’s European Strategy Forum on Resarch Infrastructure (ESFRI) Roadmap. (ongoing)
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We are associated with the “Welfare State Futures” programme of NORFACE (New Opportunities for Resarch Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe). The project “Globalisation, Institutions and the Welfare State” is a collaboration of the JKU with the University College, London, the University of Oslo and the Ragnar Frisch Centre in Oslo. (ongoing)

dfg_logoDFG Priority Program

We participate in the DFG Priority Program 1764: The German Labour Market in a Globalised World – Challenges Through Trade, Technology, and Demographics with partners from many German universities. Our subproject has the title: “Transnational Labor Markets: Migration of Workers Between Austria and Germany”. (ongoing)