Mag. Karl Lehner MBA, Chief Executive Officer of the Upper Austrian Health and Hospital AG (OÖ. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG, gespag), emphasizes that the effects of an aging society will also be visible and tangible for the medical human resources. “As the largest hospital operators in Upper Austria with almost 10,000 employees, we have been dealing for quite some time with health and social challenges of our aging employees. Phase of life orientation is a strategic focus in the gespag. From the CD laboratory we expect personnel policy-relevant scientific impulses.”
The OÖ. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG (gespag) represents the largest hospital chain in the province, with a market share of 44 percent. We cooperate on research with respect to service provision in the treatment of mental illness and on our inpatient-service projects on the incentives of changes in DRG prices and the analysis of outpatient hospital services.